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FOI Request

Disclosure ID
Request Date
September 7, 2018
Master Vend Contract
  1. When does the master vend contract for doctor supply come to an end?
  2. What percentage fill rates (doctors) were reached between January and present?
  3. Who are your biggest suppliers on the master vend?
  4. Please provide the name contact details for the person at the trust who deals with the master vend tenders.
  5. How much business is being invoiced outside of the master vend?
  6. Does your organization use a Direct Engagement scheme? If so, who provides it and when does their contract expire?
  7. What percentage of bookings are made outside of the DE model (non-DE)?
  8. Do you outsource any of the following services to external companies:
  • Provision of Residential Medical Officers
  • Gastroenterology/Endoscopy
  • Dermatology
  • Radiology
1 When does the master vend contract for doctor supply come to an end? December 2018
2 What percentage fill rates (doctors) were reached between January and present? 94.4%
3 Who are your biggest suppliers on the master vend? Medacs
4 Please provide the name contact details for the person at the trust who deals with the master vend tenders Sharon Robson Sharon.Robson@elht.nhs.uk
5 How much business is being invoiced outside of the master vend? None
6 Does your organization use a Direct Engagement scheme? If so, who provides it and when does their contract expire? Yes via the Medacs Mastervend
7 What percentages of bookings are made outside of the DE model (non-DE)? 1%
8 Do you outsource any of the following services to external companies:

Provision of Residential Medical Officers





Only Radiology for out of hours service to Medica
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