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FOI Request

Disclosure ID
FOI 02677
Request Date
August 29, 2018
Overseas Patient
A In relation to 2017/18 how many Overseas Patients Not Eligible for Free UK Healthcare were treated in the maternity department of your Trust?
B How many of these patients (Overseas Patients Not Eligible for Free UK Healthcare who were treated in the maternity department of your Trust during 2017/18) have received an invoice from the Trust for the value of the care they received.
C If the answer to (a) is greater than the answer to (b) could you please state why not all these patients were sent an invoice for their care.
D In relation to the patients who received a bill, what is the total value of all those invoices?


E How many of the invoices sent to patients in (b) have not been paid and what is the total value of these as yet unpaid bills?
F In relation to these unpaid bills what is the single biggest outstanding amount?
G What is the total amount of invoices for care of any description at your hospital that were written off in the 2017/18 financial year, but which were incurred at any time in the past.

A. 6

B. 6

C. N/A

D. £16,030.01

E. Some patients receive more than 1 invoice. For the 6 patients above 9 invoices were raised.
3 invoices were paid in full.
4 invoices are partially paid due to a payment plan being set up. The balance of these is £9,302.79
2 invoices are unpaid. The balance of these is £3,040.20

F. £3,845.50

G. £0.00

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