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FOI Request

Disclosure ID
FOI 02671
Request Date
August 28, 2018
Data Security

1. NHS trust name
2. City/town
3. The total number of full-time and part-time employees employed by your trust (as of 1st August 2018 or latest figures available)
4. The total number of full-time and part-time employees employed by your trust with professional data security / cybersecurity qualifications (as of 1st August 2018 or latest figures available)
5. The total number of full-time and part-time employees employed by your trust who have completed security training over the last 12 months (prior to 1st August 2018 or latest figures available)
6. How much money (in pounds sterling) has been spent on data security training during the last 12 months (prior to 1st August 2018 or latest figures available) this may include GDPR-related training


1. Blackpool Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust

2. Blackpool

3. 7015

4. Our Trust employs a number of staff with professional data security / cybersecurity qualifications.

To give any further detail may have the potential to allow criminals to hack into the Systems to cause systems to fail or to enable/disable access to the information stored within them and therefore hinder the trusts ability to take preventative measures to prevent crime and keep the information secure.

Section 31 (1)(a)prevention and detection of crime to protect information on a public authorities system which may make it more vulnerable to crime.

5. Every member of staff must complete mandatory IG training annually, including data security training.

6. We are unable to provide an accurate figure as data security training is included in the Mandatory Training Scheme. An FTE band 5 staff member provides IG training including data security and the updated GDPR regulations.

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