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FOI Request

Disclosure ID
FOI 02624
Request Date
August 6, 2018
Contact Details

Please could you provide the names, email addresses, and phone numbers of the following members of staff for each medical, surgical and anaesthetics department within each of your hospitals that employs junior doctors.

  • Rota coordinators
  • Clinical Leads/Clinical Directors
  • Department secretaries
  • College tutors

In addition, please could you provide the number of members of staff at each grade listed below working in each of these departments.

  • Consultant doctors
  • Senior Registrars
  • Registrars
  • FY2 Doctors
  • FY1 Doctors

If the time consumed by this request would exceed the FOI limit, please can you provide information in priority of top-to-bottom on this list?


Our recruitment team processes the employment of all Trust staff; they can be contacted on the following email address bfwh.recruitment@nhs.net

Role Number
Consultant 156
Senior Registrars 47
Registrars 56
FY2 Doctors 10
FY1 Doctors 64
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