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FOI Request

Disclosure ID
FOI 02611
Request Date
July 31, 2018
Children With Medical Complexities

1. What is your paediatric inpatient occupancy, on your units (0-18yrs)?

2. How many of these would fit into the definition above?

3. How many long stay (>30days) paediatric patients do you have?

4. How many of these patients are medically fit to be discharged?

5. Amongst your long stay paediatric population, are there any non-medical barriers to discharge? If so what are the common reasons e.g. housing, care provider allocation, training or social care support?

6. Who coordinates discharge planning for “CMiC” patients and how are they set up to do this e.g. specialist paediatric discharge nurse, CNS, adult discharge teams, support workers?

7. Do you have any links with charities when doing this work e.g. charity funded nursing positions, collaboration with charity workers?

8. Do you have specific paperwork for long stay “CMiC” patients e.g. hospital passports, patient held records, advanced care plans?

  1. 11 (no of inpatients on 13.8.18.)
  2. 0.
  3. 0.
  4. 0.
  5. Care packages, social issues and training.
  6. Ward staff, medical team and social care.
  7. No.
  8. Yes some specific care plans and health passports.
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