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FOI Request

Disclosure ID
FOI 02604
Request Date
July 31, 2018
Sanitary Products

I write under the terms of the Freedom of Information Act 2000 to request the following information.

1. Does your Trust have a policy on providing sanitary products during menstruation, for free, to inpatients in hospitals/clinics?

2. If yes, can you please provide me with copies of this policy and any relevant documentation relating to how it this policy is implemented?

3. Can you provide details of what happens if a patient runs short of sanitary products during a hospital stay? Is there a process by which the hospital/clinic in question will provide these products – if yes, please provide full details of what the process is.

Some parts of the request may be easier to answer than others. Should this be the case, please release information as soon as possible.


1. No, please see answer to question 3 (below)

2. N/A

3. Our Trust uses a common sense approach. If a patient did not have the required sanitary product to stem their bleed, then an HCA would be kindly asked to go to the Women’s Unit and request the items until such time as the patient could go to the chemist and purchase the items themselves.

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