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FOI Request

Disclosure ID
Request Date
July 10, 2018
Mobile Network Provider
  1. Network Provider(s) – Please provide me with the network provider name e.g. EE, Telefonica, Vodafone, Three
  2. Annual Average Spend- Can you please provide me with the average annual spend over the 3 years. If this is a new contract can you please provide the estimated annual spend.
  3. Number of Connections- Number of connections for each network provider. Please split the connection into the following, Voice Only, Voice and Data and Data. Please provide me with a figure for each one including if the organisation doesn’t have any.
  4. Duration of the contract- please state if the contract also includes contract extensions for each provider.
  5. Contract Start Date- please can you provide me with the start date of the signed agreement. Please do not provide me with the framework contract date I require the contract dates of the signed agreement.
  6. Contract Expiry Date- please can you provide me with the expiry date of the signed agreement. Please do not provide me with the framework contract date I require the contract dates of the signed agreement. If the contract is rolling please state.
  7. Contract Review Date- Please can you provide me with a date on when the organisation plans to review this contract.
  8. The person within the organisation responsible for this particular contract. Can you send me the full contact details Contact Name, Job Title, Contact Number and direct email address for each network provider? If full contact details cannot be provided please send me their actual job title.
  1. Vodafone
  2. Commercial in confidence
  3. Data Only – 466,
    Voice and Data – 241,
    Voice Only – 1222
  4. Rolling
  5. Jan-16
  6. Jan 18 – Now rolling
  7. Currently under review
  8. Shaun bucknill,
    Head of ICT,
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