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FOI Request

Disclosure ID
Request Date
July 3, 2018
STI Statistics

Please could you give me the number of cases of STIs you’ve treated as a trust within the last 12 months?

Could I have a breakdown of the following; age, sex, area and type of STI.

Is it possible to have this information narrowed down to each of your NHS sexual health centres?

STI Male Female Blackpool Central Lancashire East Lancashire North Lancashire West Lancashire
Anogential Warts 1892 1271 1011 1099 622 332 99
Chlamydia 1299 1641 1159 723 497 476 85
Gonnorrhoea 488 280 269 199 187 97 16
HIV 56 <10 26 21 <10 <10 <10
Syphilis 98 <10 47 39 15 <10 <10
Trichomoniasis <10 62 23 11 18 12 <10

Some of the information you have requested which relates to their age, area and sex are classed as personal data and therefore exempt under section 40(2) of the FOI Act. Instead we have given you general statistics to make this information unidentifiable.

These numbers relate to ages 14-80.

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