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FOI Request

Disclosure ID
Request Date
June 11, 2018
Energy Expenditure

It has previously been reported the total cost energy supplies to the National Health Service in England was £570 million per year. I would like to request the following regarding your specific NHS Trust:

  • The Trust’s total annual expenditure on a) gas and b) electricity for the two most recent years for which data is held

Under section 21 of the Act, we are not required to provide information in response to a request if it is already reasonably accessible to you. The information you requested is available from the website (below)

Estates Return Information Collection 2016/17 – NHS Digital

Overall energy consumption is also included in the Trust Annual Account which gives total cost and consumption figures across all utilities.


Page 34.

The Trust Annual Report and Accounts 2017/18 will soon be published on the Trust’s website. This will contain the information you requested. The information is therefore exempt under Section 22 of the FOI Act 2000.

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