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FOI Request

Disclosure ID
Request Date
June 29, 2018
Safeguarding Training
  1. Have you had a reported incident regarding staff not following your safeguarding guidance in the last three years?
  2. If so, how many?
  3. How many legal actions have been taken against you due to staff not following safeguarding guidance?
  4. Has anyone been disciplined or fired due to staff not following safeguarding guidance in the last three years?
  5. How often do you undertake any education or training around safeguarding guidance?
  6. How often are safeguarding guidance standards updated?
  7. When was the last complete review of your safeguarding guidance?
  8. In what format and programme do you hold your safeguarding guidance?
  9. In what format and programme do staff access this guidance?
  10. Can you access safeguarding guidance on mobile devices?
  11. If so, can this guidance be accessed while offline?
  12. Can your workforce audit their compliance to central standards regarding safeguarding guidelines and so identify any shortfalls?
  13. Do you have the capability to audit delivery standards against current safeguarding guidance?
  14. How many pages of safeguarding guidance does your organisation have?
  1. Yes
  2. 73
  3. None
  4. 2015  –    1 x dismissal
    1 x Final Written Warning
  5. Internal training is held monthly and planned 12 months in advance.
  6. Two or Three yearly (highlighted below) but if any significant changes in national guidance/law, policies will be reviewed prior to review due date
  7. •           The Management of Allegations of Abuse Made Against Staff – 24/10/16
    •           The Management in Hospital of known or Suspected Individuals who may pose a Risk to Children and Adults – 15/11/16
    •           Safeguarding Children Guidance and Procedures (Includes Child Protection Supervision procedures) – 12/10/17
    •           Safeguarding Adults Guidance and Procedures (Including Adults who find themselves in situations that make them vulnerable and in need of safeguarding and protection)- 12/10/17
    •           Procedure for Health Staff regarding the Health Assessment of Children and Young People Looked After – 30/01/17
    •           Implementing the Mental Capacity Act 2005 and Apply the Supporting Code of Practice – 12/10/17
    •           Domestic Violence and Abuse Guidance and Procedures (Incorporating: Forced Marriage, Honour Based Violence, Female Genital Mutilation and Multi Agency Risk Assessment Conference (MARAC) 16/06/17
    •           Applying for a Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards (DoLS) Authorisation and the Trusts Responsibilities as a Managing Authority – 12/10/17
    •           Advance Decisions to Refuse Treatment – 09/010/15
    •           A Policy for the Implementation of the PREVENT Strategy – 12/10/17
  8. Policies are in word format and available on Sharepoint, further guidance is accessible on the internet through LSCB website.
  9. Through the staff intranet for BTHNHSFT policies, internet for LSCB websites and intercollegiate guidance is also available on the internet.
  10. Yes
  11. Can only be accessed through intranet or LSCB website. Guidance can be printed to access offline but then guidance is not a controlled document and may not be up to date so this is not recommended.
  12. Yes
  13. Yes
  14. • The Management of Allegations of Abuse Made Against Staff – 14 pages
    • The Management in Hospital of known or Suspected Individuals who may pose a Risk to Children and Adults – 13 pages
    • Safeguarding Children Guidance and Procedures (Includes Child Protection Supervision procedures) – 164 pages
    • Safeguarding Adults Guidance and Procedures (Including Adults who find themselves in situations that make them vulnerable and in need of safeguarding and protection)- 48 pages
    • Procedure for Health Staff regarding the Health Assessment of Children and Young People Looked After – 28 pages
    • Implementing the Mental Capacity Act 2005 and Apply the Supporting Code of Practice – 27 pages
    • Domestic Violence and Abuse Guidance and Procedures (Incorporating: Forced Marriage, Honour Based Violence, Female Genital Mutilation and Multi Agency Risk Assessment Conference (MARAC) – 91 pages
    • Applying for a Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards (DoLS) Authorisation and the Trusts Responsibilities as a Managing Authority – 24 pages
    • Advance Decisions to Refuse Treatment – 13 pages
    • A Policy for the Implementation of the PREVENT Strategy – 22 pages
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