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FOI Request

Disclosure ID
Request Date
April 19, 2018
Maternity Unit Red Flags

All requests are for the dates April 1st, 2017 to March 31st, 2018.

  1. How many ‘red flag’ events have occurred in your maternity units in this time frame? And are you able to say whether this is higher than the 12 month period preceding these dates?
  2. Have there been occasions where a woman has:
    Been left alone during active labour
    Had to wait more than hour an hour for pain relief
    Had to wait more than one hour for stitches
  3. How many times between these dates have you been forced to close the maternity unit due to staff shortage or lack of beds?
  4. On how many occasions have wards been staffed with less than the Government recommended number of midwives?
  5. How many midwives are you currently short of in your Trust? How many post are being advertised? (As of 19th April 2018)
  6. How many maternity negligence cases have been brought against you in the past 12 months?
  7. And finally, how many complaints have been made to your Trust regarding maternity services between the same dates.
  1. We do not routinely record the requested data and to determine if we hold this information would require a manual trawl through paper records. This would constitute a disproportionate effort to retrieve and would exceed 18 hours. This information is therefore exempt on the grounds of cost (Section 12(1)).
    Our Trust publishes the Maternity Safety Thermometer and the Open and Honest Maternity Care reports which include data on harm free care, please see link below:
  2. We do not routinely record the requested data and to determine if we hold this information would require a manual trawl through paper records. This would constitute a disproportionate effort to retrieve and would exceed 18 hours. This information is therefore exempt on the grounds of cost (Section 12(1)).
  3. None
  4. We do not routinely record the requested data and to determine if we hold this information would require a manual trawl through paper records. This would constitute a disproportionate effort to retrieve and would exceed 18 hours. This information is therefore exempt on the grounds of cost (Section 12(1)).
  5. 8.8 wte vacancies,
    5 wte recruited.
    3.8wte advertised
  6. NHSR deal with negligence claims and therefore this question needs to be referred to them.
    Resolving Claims Home
  7. 6
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