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FOI Request

Disclosure ID
Request Date
April 18, 2018
Appointment Letters
  1. Please provide details of the Trust’s current Letter printing service supplier/system.
  2. What is the Trusts annual cost for the printing and postage of patient letters?
  3. Please provide monthly values for the number of patient letters sent?
  4. Does the Trust use the services of an external printer for patient and non-patient letters?
  5. What are the Trusts costs for the service and support of onsite printing equipment?
  6. Have you previously considered using outsourced services? Please provide details of why you chose not to use them.
  7. Please provide when the service was implemented, and the services included?
  8. Please provide specific details of any aims/targets set of the print service and whether these have been achieved?
  9. lease provide details of the member(s) of staff responsible for the implementation and continued running of the service and their role within the Trust?
  10. Please provide details of:
    1. Supplier
    2. Expected contract length
    3. Contract review date
    4. Cost of contract to date
  11. Please provide details of the implementation costs and on-going/support costs?
  12. Please provide details of the processes followed to procure an external print service?
  13. Please provide details of the channels used to publish the notification of procurement, for an external print service?
  1. In house
  2. Not possible to determine
  3. Not possible to determine
  4. Yes/No – Both internal and external
  5. This information is exempt under section 43(2) of the Freedom of Information Act 2000 as disclosure would prejudice the commercial interests of the Trust.
  6. On an adhoc basis
  7. N/A
  8. N/A
  9. Delegated authority to divisional leads, no one contact
  10. N/A
  11. N/A
  12. N/A
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