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FOI Request

Disclosure ID
Request Date
April 10, 2018
  1. The name of your Trust.
  2. The names of the hospitals within your Trust.
  3. The ICU’s conducting haemofiltration / CRRT within your Trust.
  4. The number of patients treated with CRRT per year within your Trust.
  5. Current provider of CRRT services to your Trust.
  6. The preferred CRRT modality.
  7. The name of the Lead Clinician, in each hospital, responsible for CRRT services.
  8. The name of the person in Procurement responsible for the CRRT contract in your Trust.
  9. Date of the next tender for CRRT services.
  10. A copy of the previous successful tender for CRRT services.
  11. CRRT contract value per annum.
  1. Blackpool Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
  2. Blackpool Victoria, Clifton Hospital and Fleetwood Hospital.
  3. General and Cardiac ITU
  4. For 2017 calendar year:
    Haemofiltration : 43
    Other Compensation for Renal Failure: 1
  5. Gambro
  6. Continuous veno – veno haemofiltration
  7. We don’t have one.
  8. Jill Bayley
  9. 31 March 2019
  10. This information is exempt under section 43(2) of the Freedom of Information Act 2000 as disclosure would prejudice the commercial interests of the Trust.
  11. £83,000
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