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FOI Request

Disclosure ID
Request Date
April 10, 2018
Blood Science Samples
  1. During 2017 approximately how many samples were processed within your Blood Sciences laboratory (Biochemistry and Haematology)?
  2. What percentage of Blood Sciences samples received in your laboratory require manual intervention to sub aliquot samples (please exclude automated sample transfers)?
  3. How many incidents related to mislabelling of samples were reported during 2017 in your organisation?
  4. How many of these mislabelling incidents were laboratory errors?
  5. How many of the laboratory sample labelling errors were due to transposition (or mislabelling) of one or more samples?
  6. How many times did this result in incorrect results being assigned to a patient?
  7. How many sample errors identified during 2017 resulted in a formal Root Cause Analysis investigation?
  8. How many sample errors identified in your organisation during 2017 resulted in litigation?
  1. 1076829
  2. Information not held
  3. 1147 – Includes those found at pre-examination stage.
  4. 44
  5. Information not held
  6. Information not held
  7. No Level 3 or SUIs
  8. None
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