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FOI Request

Disclosure ID
Request Date
April 5, 2018
Charitable Donations/funding
  1. What was the hospital’s total income from charitable donations/funding in the 2017/18 tax year, the 2016/17 tax year and the 2015/16 tax year?
    For each tax year, please state where the charitable donations/funding came from (e.g. hospital league of friends, charities, etc).
    And for each tax year, please state what percentage of the hospital’s total revenue came from charitable donations/funding.
    For example, in 2017/18, £100,000 came from charitable donations, £10k from the British Heart Foundation, £90k from the hospital league of friends, which totalled 1% of the hospital’s total revenue.
    Please note: If time is an issue for this question alone, please deal with the most recent 2017/18 tax year first, then deal with 2016/17, then 2015/16
  2. For the 2017/18 tax year, please provide the breakdown of charitable donations/funding for each of the hospital’s departments (some examples of departments are listed underneath my questions
    For example, in 2017/18, £10,000 of charitable donations/funding was received by Gastrointestinal and Liver Services by the hospital league of friends.
    If time still allows, please specify what the charitable donations/funding paid for, e.g. liver FibroScan machine
  3. For the 2016/17 tax year, please provide the breakdown of charitable donations/funding for each of the hospital’s departments
    If time still allows, please specify what the charitable donations/funding paid for, e.g. liver FibroScan machine
  4. For the 2015/16 tax year, please provide the breakdown of charitable donations/funding for each of the hospital’s departments
    If time still allows, please specify what the charitable donations/funding paid for, e.g. liver FibroScan machine
  1. The Trust’s income from charitable donations and total revenue income for 2015/16 and 2016/17 is disclosed in the Trusts publicly available Annual Report and Accounts.
    Under section 21 of the Act, we are not required to provide information in response to a request if it is already reasonably accessible to you. The information you requested is available from our website (below)
    Income from charitable donations for 2017/18 is £0.181m with Trust total revenue income of £432,123m in its unaudited accounts.
    The Trust does not receive charitable donations from charities other than from Blue Skies Charitable Fund (Registered number 1051570).
    Trust departments are not funded from charitable donations and the income recognised in the Trust Accounts relates only to equipment assets with an individual purchase price over £5,000 donated to the Trust by the Charity and capitalised as non-current property, plant and equipment assets within the Trust’s Statement of Financial Position.
    All items of expenditure over £5,000 (including equipment purchases) funded by the Charity are reported in the Blue Skies Charity Annual Report and Accounts which can be found on the Charity’s website at www.bfwh.nhs.uk/blueskies
  2. Trust departments are not funded for by charitable donations and the income recognised in the Trust Accounts relates only to equipment assets with an individual purchase price over £5,000 donated to the Trust by the Charity and capitalised as non-current property, plant and equipment assets within the Trust’s Statement of Financial Position.
    All items of expenditure over £5,000 (including equipment purchases) funded by the Charity are reported in the Blue Skies Charity Annual Report and Accounts. Expenditure over £5,000 taken from the Charity’s unaudited 2017/18 accounts are:

    Description Cost
    ORSIM Brochoscope Simulator from Heart of Gold £79,500
    Faxitron BioVision Specimen Cabinet from Breast Care Fund £61,722
    Pharmacy Project from Cardiology Research Fund £53,616
    TOE probe from Cardiology Fund £15,000
    Sara Combilizer from Physiotherapy Fund £15,000
    Complementary Therapies from Cancer Fund (Rosemere part funded) £13,820
    Remodelling of waiting area for therapeutic relaxation from Haematology Fund £11,099
    Masimo monitors from General Purposes Fund £10,512
    Undertaking of best evidence in medical evaluation from General Purposes Fund £7,817
    Dementia Crockery and Cutlery  from Peace of Mind Fund £8,839
    Heart Failure Project from Cardiology Reasearch Fund £8,355
    Thera Trainer – Electric Lift and Pelvis Belt from Stroke Unit Fund £7,490
    3 Heart Recorders from Heart of Gold Fund £6,400
  3. Trust departments are not funded from charitable donations and the income recognised in the Trust Accounts relates only to equipment assets with an individual purchase price over £5,000 donated to the Trust by the Charity and capitalised as non-current property, plant and equipment assets within the Trust’s Statement of Financial Position.
    All items of expenditure over £5,000 (including equipment purchases) funded by the Charity in 2016/17 are reported in the Blue Skies Charity Annual Report and Accounts which can be found on the Charity’s website at: www.bfwh.nhs.uk/blueskies
  4. Trust departments are not funded from charitable donations and the income recognised in the Trust Accounts relates only to equipment assets with an individual purchase price over £5,000 donated to the Trust by the Charity and capitalised as non-current property, plant and equipment assets within the Trust’s Statement of Financial Position.
    All items of expenditure over £5,000 (including equipment purchases) funded by the Charity in 2015/16 are reported in the Blue Skies Charity Annual Report and Accounts which can be found on the Charity’s website at: www.bfwh.nhs.uk/blueskies
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