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FOI Request

Disclosure ID
Request Date
March 26, 2018
Safe Working Hours
  1. Please confirm whether you have a permanent guardian of safe working hours in place at the trust. Please confirm their length of service in the guardian role
  2. Please detail the total number of exception reports submitted during 2016/17 and 2017/18.
  3. Please detail the number of exception reports submitted during the time frame which focus on staff shortages/rota gaps.
  4. Please provide anonymised text for all of the reports fulfilling the above criteria.
  5. Please provide the total number of clinical vacancies currently at the trust, separated however trust figures are usually detailed.
  1. Yes,
    19 months
  2. 2016 – 14 Exceptions
    2017 – 198 Exceptions
    2018 – to date 53 Exceptions
  3. Information not held
  4. N/A
  5. :-
    Clinical Staff Groups as at 01.03.18 Variance FTE
    Add Prof Scientific and Technical -22.02
    Additional Clinical Services -48.93
    Allied Health Professionals 34.68
    Healthcare Scientists 19.51
    Medical and Dental (exc. Pennine Drs) 52.28
    Nursing and Midwifery Registered 177.91
    Students -16.00
    Trust Clinical Total 197.42
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