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FOI Request

Disclosure ID
Request Date
March 23, 2018
Surveillance Equipment
  1. How many fixed (static) surveillance cameras are functional on the trust’s premises?
    1. How many are focused outside buildings (for instance in grounds or car parks)?
    2. How many are focused inside buildings?
  2. How many moving surveillance cameras (those that zoom in, pan and tilt) are functional on the trust’s premises?
    1. How many are focused outside buildings (for instance in grounds or car parks)?
    2. How many are focused inside buildings?
  3. Do you have any covert (hidden) cameras on your premises? If yes, please say:
    1. How many are focused outside buildings (for instance in grounds or car parks)?
    2. How many are focused inside buildings?
  4. Do security officers employed by the trust use body worn video cameras? If yes, please say:
    1. How many body worn cameras are in use by security guards on your premises?
    2. When these are turned on
  5. How much has the trust spent on surveillance equipment, in total for the past five financial years?
    Please break this down by:

    1. fixed surveillance cameras
    2. moving surveillance cameras
    3. body worn video cameras
  6. What is the make, model and manufacturer of the devices used by the trust?
    1. fixed surveillance cameras
    2. moving surveillance cameras
    3. body worn video cameras
  7. Where is the footage from the devices stored? Please break this down by:
    1. fixed surveillance cameras
    2. moving surveillance cameras
    3. body worn video cameras
  8. How long is the footage from the devices held? Please break this down for:
    1. fixed surveillance cameras
    2. moving surveillance cameras
    3. body worn video cameras
  9. How many times has footage from devices been used in a successful or unsuccessful prosecution? Please break this down by device:
    1. fixed surveillance cameras
    2. moving surveillance cameras
    3. body worn video camera
  10. Does your trust comply with the Surveillance Camera Commissioner’s code of conduct?
  1. 281
    1. 77
    2. 204
  2. 24
    1. 14
    2. 0
  3. No
    1. N/A
    2. N/A
  4. Yes
    1. 4
    2. When activated
  5. This data is not readily available, and would be a disproportionate effort to retrieve which would exceed 18 hours. This information is therefore exempt on the grounds of cost (Section 12(1)).
    However, we can provide an annual spend on CCTV but including Access Control Systems which will included Capital, Maintenance and repairs
    Year 17/18 £63,497
    Year 16/17 £78,205
  6. :-
    1. Panasonic, Various
    2. Panasonic, Various
    3. Pinnacle, PR6
  7. Secure server In line with the Data Protection Act 1998
  8. In line with the Data Protection Act 1998, and guidance from the ICO section 5.2.5 – not longer than strictly necessary.
  9. Information not held
  10. Yes
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