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FOI Request

Disclosure ID
Request Date
March 23, 2018
Dementia & Over 65's Patients
Name of Trust: Blackpool Victoria Hospital    2011/2012   2015/16   2016/2017  Supporting notes
How many people in the following categories had a fall as their primary reason for emergency admission in 2011/2012, 2015/2016, 2016/2017? People over 65:  1021  928  881  “Fall” is not usually used as primary diagnosis. For example if a patient fell and broke a bone, the breakage would be the primary diagnosis, the fall would be coded in a secondary position. As dementia is also a secondary diagnosis the dementia figure cannot be completely accurate.
People over 65 and with dementia:  155  150  124  
How many people in the following categories had a urinary tract infection as their primary reason for emergency admission in 2011/12, 2015/16 and 2016/17? People over 65:  945  994  1042  
People over 65 and with dementia:  104  129  94  
How many people in the following categories had delirium as their primary reason for emergency admission in 2011/12, 2015/16 and 2016/17? People over 65:  22  205  212  
People over 65 and with dementia:  0  34  18  
How many people in the following categories had dehydration or gastroenteritis as their primary reason for emergency admission in 2011/12, 2015/16 and 2016/17? People over 65:  764  799  758  
People over 65 and with dementia:  44  34  30
How many people in the following categories had a chest infection or pneumonia as their primary reason for emergency admission in 2011/12, 2015/16 and 2016/17? People over 65:  1520  2097  2613
People over 65 and with dementia:  150  180 174 

Please see the table we have filled in above

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