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FOI Request

Disclosure ID
Request Date
March 21, 2018
Antibiotic Formula
  1. Please can you email to me a copy of your antibiotic formula as it applies to an A&E patient with suspected Urinary Tract Infection, with failed kidneys, severe dehydration, diarrhoea, and sepsis ( whether severe sepsis or septic shock ).
  2. f different, can you also email to me a copy of your antibiotic formula as it applies to an A&E patient with a perforated gastric ulcer and peritonitis, sepsis ( whether severe sepsis or septic shock ), severe dehydration and diarrhoea ?
  1. – Please see attached document.
    – The antibiotic formula is on the trust website and accessible by all staff. The formulary recommends antibiotics with reference to organ systems affected / medical diagnosis. Typically recommends “1st line” antibiotics and a “2nd line” for patients with possible allergies to the first line recommendation. The formulary is written by microbiology and pharmacy. Consultant microbiologists provide a 24/7 service offering advice on antibiotic selection where there is doubt or concerns.
    – Staff can cross reference the antibiotic policy – it has clear antibiotic recommendations for the scenarios you have mentioned :
    o Simple urinary tract infection
    o Complicated urinary tract infection
    o Pyelonephritis
    o Diarrhoeal illness
    o Perforation
    o Peritonitis
    o Sepsis of uncertain origin
    – The Better Care Now pathways for sepsis care and management of acute kidney injury were developed with ED representation. It is the same protocol as used in other areas within the Trust.
  2. N/A
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