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FOI Request

Disclosure ID
Request Date
March 14, 2018
Bed Numbers For 2020/2021
  1. The number of General and Acute beds available for overnight occupancy the Trust expects to have by the end of financial year 2020/2021. I would like this figure to be calculated using the same criteria as the standard KHO3 . I enclose the link here
  2. The number of core General and Acute beds the Trust expects to have by the end of financial year 2020/2021. I would like this figure to be calculated using the same criteria as that used for the weekly situation reports on bed occupancy. I enclose an example here:
    Please note that this is core beds only and does not include escalation beds
  3. Is the trust currently part of any discussions, whether at trust or at any other level, on whether the overall number, or the core number of general and acute beds should be reduced? If so, what stage are those discussions at and who with? (eg firm plans, consultation stage, working group stage etc)
  1. Information not held.
  2. Information not held.
  3. The Trust is currently reviewing length of stay and Urgent and Emergency Care demand which will feed into future plans for beds.
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