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FOI Request

Disclosure ID
Request Date
February 27, 2018
Opthalmology Rooms & Sessions
1. Physical capacity
  1. How many ophthalmology testing/consulting rooms does your Trust have in total? (Please include outpatient rooms/testing cubicles/mobile testing facility rooms etc)
  2. How many theatre sessions does ophthalmology use per week?
  3. Do you use mobile facilities either on site or in the community (e.g. motorised or tow-able facilities)
  4. If you answered yes to question 3, how many rooms do these provide?
  5. If you answered no to question 3, do you have any plans to add mobile facilities?
  6. Do you offer NHS care at weekends – i.e. six or seven day working
2. Workforce Capacity
  1. How many ophthalmologists do you currently employ (all grades)?
    Please state this in “Full Time Equivalent” (FTE) numbers
  2. How many ophthalmology posts (all grades) are currently vacant?
    Please state this in “Full Time Equivalent” (FTE) numbers
  3. Are you experiencing recruitment difficulties in ophthalmology?
  4. If you answered yes to question 9, please tick all the grades and staff groups where you are experiencing recruitment difficulties
    -ophthalmology consultant grades
    -ophthalmology SAS grades (including specialist doctors and associate -specialists
    -junior doctor grades
    -medical training grades
    -ophthalmic nurses
    -contact lens opticians
3. Department Management
  1. Do you have a departmental manager(s) for ophthalmology, and if so how many?
  2. How many years has he/she been in post? Please tick one box (if more than one manager answer based on the lead/head manager)
  3. Does he/she also manage other non-ophthalmic facilities?
  4. What is his/her Agenda for Change Pay band?
4. External Capacity
  1. Do you subcontract ophthalmology capacity from the independent sector?
  2. If you answered yes to question 15, please tick the statement(s) that apply
    -on a planned/permanent/semi-permanent basis
    -on an ad hoc short-term basis when there are pressures
    -for specific waiting list type initiatives
5. Paying Patients
  1. Does your Trust provide or provide facilities for private ophthalmology services?
  2. Do your employed ophthalmologists practise in these?
  3. Do your employed ophthalmologists operate their own private practices from your premises?
  4. Do independent ophthalmology providers provide services from your premises?
1. Physical Capacity
  1. 14
  2. 19
  3. No
  4. N/A
  5. No
  6. Yes
2. Workforce Capacity
  1. 17
  2. 2
  3. We do not hold this information
  4. N/A
3. Department Management
  1. Yes, 1
  2. Over 2 years
  3. No
  4. This relates to a very small number of individuals and to provide further detail may breach their confidentiality. Therefore we are exempting this information as personal and applying section 40(2).
4. External Capacity
  1. No
  2. N/A
5. Paying Patients
  1. No
  2. No
  3. No
  4. No
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