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FOI Request

Disclosure ID
Request Date
February 21, 2018
Locum Spend And Broken Glass
  1. What was the total spend on locum Physiotherapists in the last financial year 01/04/2016 to 01/04/2017?
  2. What was the spend on locum Occupational Therapists in the last financial year 01/04/2016 to 01/04/2017?
  3. What was the spend on locum Podiatrists in the last financial year 01/04/2016 to 01/04/2017?
  4. What was the spend on locum Radiographers in the last financial year 01/04/2016 to 01/04/2017?
  5. What job roles have the Trust broken glass (Paid outside the framework rates) for in the last financial year within the Allied Health Professionals area 01/04/2016 to 01/04/2017?
Total Spend
  Staff Group £000s
1 Physiotherapists 269
2 Occupational Therapists 144
3 Podiatrists 0
4 Radiographers 413
5 Our Trust did not break glass on any AHP agency bookings.
Attachment 1
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