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FOI Request

Disclosure ID
Request Date
February 8, 2018
Length Of Patient Stay
  1. How many beds does your Trust have?
  2. How many in-patients did you have in 2016?
  3. What percentage of these patients were female?
  4. What was the average length of stay for a patient? (specifically for female if possible)
  5. What percentage of patients are above your stated average length of stay? (specifically for female if possible)

These answers are based on ALL inpatient beds; please see below for answers based on General and Acute beds – excluding women and children’s.

  1. 2015/16 = 950
  2. 55773
  3. 55.8%
  4. All patients – average 5.14 days
    Female average 5.07 days
  5. All patients – 22.5% above 5 days
    Female – 21.3% above 5 days

General and Acute beds – excluding women and children’s

  1. 2015/16 = 866
  2. 39497
  3. 49.2%
  4. All patients – average 6.66 days
    Female average 7.22 days
  5. All patients – 26.0% above 6 days
    Female – 24.2% above 7 days
Attachment 1
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