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FOI Request

Disclosure ID
Request Date
January 26, 2018
Social Media Accounts And Spend
  1. Does your organisation have a Facebook Page(s)? If yes, what is/are the url(s) and when were they set up?
  2. Does your organisation advertise or spend any money on Facebook? If yes, please can you outline what expenditure has occurred and break down expenditure per calendar year (January to December) since 2004?
  3. Does your organisation have a Twitter Account? If yes, what is/are the url(s) and when were they set up?
  4. Does your organisation advertise or spend any money on Twitter? If yes, please can you outline what expenditure has occurred and break down expenditure per calendar year (January to December) since 2006?
  5. Does your organisation use Google G-Suite services (Google services) or does your organisation rely on google for any services (such as email hosting)? If yes, what are the services, when were they agreed and how much did they cost?
  6. Does your organisation advertise or spend any money on Google? If yes, please can you outline what expenditure has occurred and break down expenditure per calendar year (January to December) since the payments first began?
  7. Is there an official policy for the use of organisational Facebook or Twitter Accounts (ie how to post, what to use it for and when to delete or preserve records)? If there is a policy (or policies) please may I be provided with them?
  1. Yes, set up in 2013, https://www.facebook.com/BlackpoolHospitals/
  2. Yes, spending this financial year of £11,000 on Facebook. No spend prior to this.
  3. Yes @BlackpoolHosp – 2014
  4. No
  5. Our Trust does not use these services
  6. No
  7. Yes – Please see attached.
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