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FOI Request

Disclosure ID
Request Date
January 23, 2018
Clinical Waste Bags
  1. I would like to know what the trust currently uses to seal clinical waste bags and the annual quantity purchased (as well as the annual cost to the Trust if possible)?
  2. I would also like to know where the trust purchases these products from, i.e. is it direct from a supplier or from the NHS Supply Chain?
  3. Who is responsible for purchasing this product?
  4. How does the trust provide an audit trail for their clinical waste?
  1. Our Trust does not use a seal for clinical waste bags.
  2. N/A
  3. N/A
  4. All Clinical waste is tracked from the Trust through to Final Destruction. Waste Transfer Notes log the waste given to the Contractor, Monthly Returns from the Contractor show waste processed and/or method of destruction. Annual Duty of Care & Pre Acceptance Audits identifies and confirms the process.
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