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FOI Request

Disclosure ID
Request Date
May 3, 2016
PAS, E-Prescribing & Executive Organisational Chart
  1. Who is the supplier of your EPR or PAS system across the Trust for plus which version:
  1. A&E
  2. Inpatient
  3. Outpatient


For example: Medway version 4.5 does all of A, B and C

2. Who is the supplier of your Pharmacy Stock or E-Prescribing system? 


3 Can you supply an organisation chart for all your Execs plus Divisional Directors plus e-mail address.

  1. EPR or PAS

 a) Alert

b) IMS – HeartsS

c) IMS – HeartsS

2. Pharmacy Stock/Dispensing – EMIS Health

EPMA Prescribing System – CSC


  1. The executive organisational chart can be found at http://www.bfwh.nhs.uk/about-our-trust/trust-structure/
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