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FOI Request

Disclosure ID
Request Date
April 12, 2016
Translation Services
  1. The name of the designated person responsible for the managing of interpreting and translation services on behalf of Blackpool Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust?
  2. Who are your current providers of Translation and Interpreting services?
  3. Is the service contracted?
  4. If the service is contracted, when did the contract commence and when is it due to expire?
  5. Was the contract awarded after using an OJEU tendering process or was the service accessed through a framework, if so which one?
  6. How many face-to-face interpreting (not BSL) bookings have you had during 2014/2015 financial year?
  7. How much did this cost during this time period for face-to-face interpreting services?
  8. How many telephone interpreting bookings were made during 2015?
  9. How much did this cost during this time period for telephone interpreting services?
  10. How many BSL (British Sign Language) bookings were made during 2015?
  11. How much did this cost during this time period for BSL (British Sign Language) interpreting services?
  12. How many written Translation bookings were made during 2015?
  13. How much did this cost during this time period for Translations services?
  1. Marie Thompson – Director of Nursing and Quality
  2. Interpreting – Co-Sign

Translation – Language Line


However other translation providers we may access under the North West Collaboration Commercial Agency (NWCCA) contract are:


  • Language Empire Ltd
  • Languages Unlimited
  • Manchester Deaf Centre Limited
  • Salford Link Project
  • Stockport Interpreting Unit

3. Yes. Providers are procured under the North West Collaboration Commercial Agency

4. North West Collaboration Commercial Agency contract expires on 1 November 2016.

5. Framework – the NHS Shared Business Services (SBS)

6. 39

7. £8,423.68

8. 491

9. £15,621

10. 179

11. £23,175

12. 1

13. £181.50


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