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FOI Request

Disclosure ID
Request Date
February 4, 2016
Governance and CIP
  1. Who is responsible for Corporate Governance and who operationally manages it?

2. Who is responsible for Clinical Governance and who operationally manages it?


  1. Who is responsible for the CIP (Cost Improvement Plans) and who operationally manages it?


  1. Who is responsible for the PMO (Project Management Office or Portfolio Management Office or Programme Management Office) and who operationally manages it?


  1. What Clinical Divisions do you have?

1. Wendy Swift, Chief Executive (Interim) is responsible for Corporate Governance and Matthew Burrow, Head of Corporate Assurance operationally manages it.


2. Marie Thompson Director of Nursing and Quality is responsible for Clinical Governance and Simone Anderton, Deputy Director of Nursing operationally manages it.


3. Tim Bennett Deputy Chief Executive is responsible for the CIP and John Hampton CIP Director operationally manages it.


4. Tim Bennett Deputy Chief Executive is responsible for the CIP and John Hampton CIP Director operationally manages it.


5. This information is exempt under section 21 of the Freedom of Information Act 2000 as it is accessible by other means, it is available from the Trust website link below:



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