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FOI Request

Disclosure ID
Request Date
January 21, 2016
Patient Communication

Please provide details of the system or process which is currently used by the Trust to communicate with patients by letter, and the organisation or individuals responsible for implementing and maintaining this service.


  • Does the Trust use the services of an external provider for patient and non-patient letters?
  • Please provide details of the Trust’s current Letter printing service supplier/system
  • Please confirm if you use Hybrid mail and what type?

Hybrid?                                                      Yes                  No

Bulk and Desktop?                                    Yes                  No

     Bulk only?                                                 Yes                 No


  • What are the Trust’s annual costs for the printing and postage of patient letters?
  • Please provide monthly volumes and values for the number of patient letters sent?


Does the Trust use an external printing service for either patient or non-patient letters?

o   o   Please provide details of the channels used to publish the notification of procurement, for an external print service?  

If no external letter supplier/service is used:


  • What are the Trust’s costs for the service and support of printing?
  • Have you previously considered using outsourced letter printing services, and if so, please provide details of why you chose not to.




  • Does the Trust use the services of an external provider for patient and non-patient letters? Royal Mail

Hybrid?                                                     No

Bulk and Desktop?                                  No

  Bulk only?                                               No


  • Please provide monthly volumes and values for the number of patient letters sent?

Annual net cost 2014/2015 for patients letters sent was £200k

Average monthly volume circa 48k letters.


Does the Trust use an external printing service for either patient or non-patient letters? No


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