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FOI Request

Disclosure ID
Request Date
January 7, 2016
Infant Bereavement

(a) Does your trust have a bereavement suite available for use by parents in the event of limited life expectancy of an anticipated birth of a child?

(b) If the answer to (a) is no, what alternative arrangements are available.

(c) If the answer to (a) is yes, would parents of a baby who turn up at hospital with a sudden infant death be allowed to use the bereavement suite?

Over 28days old with permission from the coroner our families will have choice of where the baby would be cared for, Butterfly Suite in Hospice, home , with the A funeral home or hospital mortuary.


(d) If the answer is yes to (a) where in relation to the Labour ward is the suite located?


(e) Do you have bereavement trained midwives? If yes, how many?
(f) Do you have a trained bereavement councillor at the hospital? If yes, what is the average waiting time to be able access support from that councillor?

(g) Do you provide any written information to parents following the loss of a baby? If yes, please name the third sector organisation information is provided from.


(h) Can you list the guidelines around infant death which are implemented by the hospital?

(i) Does the hospital provide support around funeral arrangements for infants or babies who have died at the hospital?


(j) Does the hospital advise parents on the advantages of having a post mortem conducted where this is not compulsory?



Please see attached PDF


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