High Dependency Unit

HDU stands for high dependency unit. You are being nursed in HDU so that the doctors and nurses can closely monitor you, you may only need to stay for a few hours or several days depending on your illness. While in HDU, you will be looked after by a nurse and the medical team – the doctors will perform regular ward rounds to review your condition. You will be attached to a machine so the nurse can closely monitor your heart rate, blood pressure and oxygen levels. You may also need fluid and medication through a machine, this is sometimes called a drip.

When you are in HDU, you might be very sleepy and not fully aware of what is going on, but the Nurse looking after you can explain everything when you are awake. The doctors will come and assess you regularly to see if you are getting better- the doctors may also discuss your care with a specialist children’s hospital in Manchester or Liverpool or the transfer team called NWTS (North West and North Wales Paediatric Transport Service). If the specialist hospitals think you need more help, the NWTS team will transfer you via ambulance with your parents.

Once the doctors have said you are better,  you will be moved onto the ward area where you will continue to be looked after.